My professional constitution

My guiding compass 🧭, mission statement, values, actions, and opinions

Fabian Roschig - Innovation Consultant
5 min readMay 21, 2020

I always wanted to create this personal mission statement, my personal constitution, and standard as a living document for several reasons:

  1. Force me to define which values matter most to me, what success looks like to me + articulate what matters most to me professionally and personally.
  2. Commit publically to it so that you can hold me accountable if I ever ignore my own commitment.
  3. Avoid making progress in the wrong direction. With a clear compass and destination in life, I am able to align all my actions to it. I don´t want these values to be swept along by circumstances.
  4. Be authentic and transparent if business partners or clients want to know more about me.



There is a lot more than work. I am a hybrid between innovation consultant, startup founder, marketeer, husband & father. I learned that you have to work on your mental and physical health, stay in career shape (reading and training), and look for social and emotional balance. I feel you have to pause sometimes to take care of yourself and be better afterward. This time investment should always be prioritized to assure sustainable productivity.

2.Authenticity + transparency = Trust

If you know me I hope you agree that I am never fake. I laugh when I feel like it and if there are problems on the way I won´t hide them either. I think authenticity and transparency is the only way you can create trust and trust nowadays is a really precious asset.

3. Respect and empathy

Different opinions are valuable. You always have to put yourself in each other shoes to create an understanding of why someone acts in the way he does. So I try to embrace all topics with openness, but I had to learn that it needs a certain degree of self-confidence to actively look for other perspectives.

4. Fun, Passion, energy

If you know me you can surely agree that I like to explain, to describe, to host, to convince, to sell, and to turn ideas into stories and sell my information with all my energy. I am a very positive person and I like to infect people with this joy, even in a business context. Martin Schumacher from the German sports magazine kicker said once:

“Fabian has a lot of knowledge about startups and new business models. His joy and ease brought new perspectives to our project”

Wieland Lindenthal CEO@Forkmerge once said:

“And telling from his everlasting smile I sometimes believe he his carrying his own private sun with himself :-)”

My professional constitution

You decide how you use your talents and I want to drive innovation as a force for good. Taking into consideration the challenges ahead, I think we have to learn to deliver new ventures and new business models with a lasting positive impact and turn sustainability challenges into new profitable businesses.

Therefore I like to link both digital skills and sustainable practices to unleash long-term viability and growth among businesses, communities, and society.

It´s about seeking more than financial returns and creating something long-lasting that truly creates value for somebody.


  • To find my balance I go hiking alone 1x a month to organize my thoughts, review my personal goals, and check which current projects align with that vision and which ones don´t.
  • I am actively seeking collaboration and try to help when possible. I believe in long-lasting mutually beneficial networks.
  • I always prioritize learning opportunities as I am not very good at maintenance and I like to move things forward. I have a constant inner drive for change and new achievements.
  • I try to transform concerns into requests to better understand what I have to do to reach my goals.
  • I try to eliminate time robbers and do what matters from a personal and professional perspective.
  • I organize my week (probably a little bit too meticulously) with timeboxing
  • I try to analyze if the next step gets me closer to what genuinely interests me and try not to run to the next $. I try to begin with the end in mind and then apply the 80/20 Pareto Principle. So basically I plan for the desired outcome and try to understand the steps to attain it.
  • I take time for a monthly personal review (max. 2 hrs.) to analyze the past month and try to visualize next month's actions.

Things I have learned on the way / Opinions / Quotes I love

  • Life is too short to work with assholes
  • Passion and people drive results
  • Trust your gut feeling
  • Comparison is the thief of joy — Theodore Roosevelt

Do you want to get in touch? Let’s talk 👇🏼


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About Me

Helping companies with effective strategies and execution for a systematic, user- and growth-centered innovation.

My name is Fabian Roschig and I am a consultant for innovation strategies and innovation management.

My mission is to drive innovation at all levels, based on the individual strengths of each organization, to enable and accelerate sustainable commercial growth. Together we make this happen by setting clear goals, focusing on the right balance between strategy and execution, and using validated, systematic methods and tools that guarantee continuous, measurable results.

For more than 12 years, I have had the privilege to successfully plan, implement or optimize new strategies, products, and services, innovation programs, structures, agile teams as well as processes for a variety of clients and employers such as The Coca-Cola Company, Condor, kicker, Dr. Oetker or TUI. In doing so, I work closely with executive boards, middle management, cross-functional teams, and external service providers.



Fabian Roschig - Innovation Consultant

Helping companies with effective strategies and execution for a systematic, user- and growth-centered innovation.